Currently accepting donations for The Community Hardship Fund: COVID-19, La Plata County, CO.

100% of your donations are used to provide direct, immediate, and essential crisis relief to our community. NO FEES are deducted. All donations are tax deductible.

  • Credit and Debit Cards are processed online using our proprietary AidtoAll Payments Gateway.

  • To pay by ACH, Wire Transfer, or Check, select the option from the dropdown menu. When you click ‘Donate Now’ you will receive an email with instructions on completing your donation.

  • Recipients receive $250 - $1500 based on need, with some exceptions for extraordinary circumstances, on a case-by case basis. All aid is tax exempt and is distributed on a prepaid, reloadable AidtoAll MasterCard Debit Card.

  • WE TRACK EVERY DOLLAR DISTRIBUTED - Each transaction is tracked through the AidtoAll platform. See the IMPACT first-hand on the Homepage; click the Dashboard.

Donate by Credit/Debit Card, ACH, Wire Transfer, or Check.
